Jackson Park Farmers Market

3500 W. Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53215 (Located on the KK River Parkway between S. 43rd St. and W. Forest Home Avenue)
Dates open:
6/13/2024 through 10/3/2024 Currently Closed
Days open: Thursday
Hours: 3:00-6:30pm **Closed July 4th
SNAP/EBT Other Market Currency WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Cash Credit Card Debit Card

Who We Are

The Jackson Park Farmer’s Market (JPFM), a collaborative venture with the Jackson Park Community Association, was established in 2015.  It is an open-air concept which brings locally grown fruits, vegetables, and foods crafted by Wisconsin vendors to the Jackson Park and surrounding community residents. The Market is operated by volunteers who are passionate about the place we call home. We believe in supporting local businesses and engagement in healthy neighborhood activities. 

Our Mission is: To create a friendly, safe, local marketplace for Jackson Park and area residents by providing community wellness resources and healthy, local food from sustainable farming communities. 


The Market is in the “heart” of Jackson Park, (3500 West Forest Home Avenue) and its locale was selected based on survey results from neighbors as well as convenience and visibility. It is accessible by car (free parking can be easily found along the street) but walking and biking are encouraged! Jackson Park is a gem in the midst of Milwaukee. Visitors enjoy the friendliness, safety, beauty, diversity and overall “good feel” in and around the park. Plus, the Jackson Park Pond is a peaceful haven for people and wild-life alike.


JPFM brings an array of delicious, nutritious items that families can enjoy. Urban consumers can reduce their intake of processed foods and replace them with healthy items sold by local farmers and vendors who share similar ideals about wellness. Children and adults alike can try new food items, learn alternative ways to prepare food, and get a little hint of the country with the benefits of living in the city.

The Market is also an ideal place to socialize, get to know neighbors, and bring people together for a slower pace of life. Attendees can learn about the hidden talents of those they meet, begin new traditions, support local niches, and appreciate the charm of the varied ethnicities and cultures in this vibrant area.

Our Dedication

We are committed to supporting the neighborhood, encouraging fellowship among residents, and bringing together our businesses for a wholesome quality of life. We are proud that JPFM serves as a welcoming place for a diverse mix of individuals, families and community members looking to support the local economy and enjoy fresh, healthy food. Make the most of your time in the park and take a stroll, play, or just sit back, listen to music and enjoy a bite to eat.