Stoughton Community Farmers Market

207 South Forest Street, Stoughton, WI, 53589 (Main Street and Forest Street)
Dates open:
5/28/2022 through 9/24/2022 Currently Closed
Days open: Saturday
Hours: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Cash

The Stoughton Community Farmers Market, INC formed in 2015 by a dedicated group of volunteers made up of farmers and folks passionate about supporting local agriculture. 

The Market exists to bring locally produced food and other handmade products to the public by providing an outlet for locally grown produce, farm fresh meats, dairy products, baked goods and more via small, local producers and crafters who produce their products in the greater Stoughton Area. 

The Market is intended to be a gathering place that benefits and enriches the community as well as downtown Stoughton.