Sparta, WI Farmers Market

120 N Water St, Sparta, WI, 54656 (Mueller Square Downtown Sparta)
Dates open:
5/11/2024 through 10/12/2024
Days open: Saturday
Hours: Saturdays 8AM - 1:00 PM
Other Market Currency WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Cash Credit Card Debit Card

The Sparta Farmers Market is a Producer market. We occupy the space in downtown Sparta originally built for Kriskindlmart in European style houses with a shelter, and a band stage. The market has expanded to annex an area referred to as Creekside by the Love Lock bridge. We often have music, but also Kids Days and educational demonstrations. Along with locally grown produce, we offer honey, maple syrup, soaps, flowers, eggs, certified meats, jewelry, art, artisan breads, wood crafts, sewn items, , jams, jellies, and pickles...and much more!