Fort Farmers' Market

31 Milwaukee Ave E, Fort Atkinson, WI, 53538 (Milwaukee Avenue municipal parking lot, across the street from Post Office)
Dates open:
5/4/2024 through 10/26/2024
Days open: Saturday
Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SNAP/EBT WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Cash

We're more than a market, we're a community!

The Fort Atkinson Farmers Market has a true cornucopia of offerings that make every Saturday a new adventure. Enjoy a hot coffee and live music while you shop for locally grown, raised, and crafted items from our local vendors. With the region's freshest in-season fruits and vegetables, organic eggs, honey, maple syrup, ciders, cheeses, locally raised meats, jams, preserves, salsa, cut flowers, nursery stock, and handmade crafts you won't want to miss it! Our uniquely cultivated family friendly atmosphere even provides free crafts for the kids and shopping buddies for those with mobility issues.

And don't forget to stop by our welcome booth to get your frequent visitors card! Every 15 visits to the market will get you a $5 certificate good at any of our vendors! The welcome booth can also help you find community events and activities, and help with SNAP/EBT benefit redemption supporting local nutrition and more!

And of course dogs are welcome, provided they are on a NON-Retractable leash, well behaved, and in owner control at all times. (Our homemade pet treat vendors especially welcome these special guests!)

Find our full calendar of events and list of vendors at